MHA of South Central Kansas

About This Affiliate
MHA provides a full range of mental and community health services to south central Kansas, and we have done so since 1957. Our clients range from 3 years old to 103 years old, and we strive to ensure that everyone gets the full benefit of our scope of services. From housing needs, to job training, to smoking cessation, to addictions treatment, and so much more, our 32 programs provide the wrap-around services that commercial therapy offices cannot.

As a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, we do not provide only those services that are financially lucrative. The vast majority of our programs are provided free of charge, and are available for those simply in the interest of a stronger and healthier Wichita. Many of them are also based on referrals from other agencies whose limited scope does not allow them to render all the services that you may need.

MHASCK is just one of the 240 affiliate chapters associated with Mental Health America. We are a funded partner of the United Way of the Plains, and earn multiple state, local, and private grants as a result of our superlative success rate. These partnerships enable us to provide comprehensive services to our area at a scale and rate that makes us the preferred source for any and all mental health needs in the counties that we serve.
Affiliate Address

555 N Woodlawn St Ste 3105
Wichita, KS 67208-3673
United States

(316) 685-1821
Affiliate Programs and Services