About This Affiliate
From the employees to the Board Members, each individual has lived with some sort of personal challenge. Whether it was mental health, addiction, incarceration, or all of the above, MHA has grown alongside them.
Currently, MHA is developing and actively implementing a peer-driven program inside Nebraska’s prison system. It involves training those incarcerated within to use Intentional Peer Support to promote healthy relationships to create safer communities inside and outside those walls. One of the MHA’s trainers has been through the penal system. She is one of the many outstanding examples of the power of empathy, intentionality, and personal strength.
Currently, MHA is developing and actively implementing a peer-driven program inside Nebraska’s prison system. It involves training those incarcerated within to use Intentional Peer Support to promote healthy relationships to create safer communities inside and outside those walls. One of the MHA’s trainers has been through the penal system. She is one of the many outstanding examples of the power of empathy, intentionality, and personal strength.
Affiliate Address
1645 N Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
United States
(402) 441-4371