About This Affiliate
Our mission is to promote optimal mental health through awareness, advocacy and education. A society where mental wellness is the foundation of a healthy community, at MHALC, we are dedicated to helping individuals lead mentally healthy lives. We believe that to achieve optimal health we must make a commitment to care for mind, body, and spirit. Often, we take care of our physical needs by eating well or exercising, and connect with a presence larger than ourselves to attend to our spirit’s needs. Yet, when it comes to taking care of our mind, we often dismiss its’ importance. When we ignore our mental health, we overlook the very part of us that helps us to know and achieve our best selves.
Affiliate Address
245 Butler Ave Ste 204
Lancaster, PA 17601-4527
United States
(717) 397-7461
Affiliate Programs and Services
- Adult Programs and Services
- Compeer (Volunteer Mentoring)
- Consumer Run Initiatives
- Criminal Justice Programs
- Individual Case Advocacy for Adults
- Information & Referral Services for Adults
- Veterans Services
- Wellness Programs, Corporate Wellness Programs
- Suicide Prevention for Adults
- Children’s Programs & Services
- Child Focused Programs
- Individual Case Advocacy for Children
- Information & Referral Services for Children
- Suicide Prevention for Children
- Teacher & Staff Training
- Early Intervention & Prevention Programs
- Prevention Programs
- Client Services
- Peer Support Programs
- Screenings
- Peer led Support Groups
- Education Programs & Other Services
- Accredited Continuing Education Programs for Other (non-health professionals, i.e., lawyers, HR
- CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) Training