MHA of California

About This Affiliate
MHAC envisions a healthy and humane society that is free of discrimination and where people are accorded respect, dignity and the opportunity to achieve their full potential through meaningful social inclusion. We believe that everyone has the right to services, and mental illnesses are no longer a basis for stigma discrimination, denial, or ignorance.

MHAC works towards full implementation of the Mental Health Services Act as evidenced by achievement of its goals including that prevention and early Intervention will be the rule and not the exception. We envision a time when the mental health system is a “help first” system that seeks to prevent disability and empower people to achieve fulfilling lives.

We provide advocacy and education for state decisions in Sacramento and in all communities throughout the state. We aim to ensure that there is adequate funding, elimination of mental health disparities, insurance coverage and access to needed services. We also educate Californians about mental illness, about the efficacy of treatment and about the outdated myths that cause stigma and denial of services.
Affiliate Address

PO Box 567
Sacramento, CA 95812
United States

(916) 557-1167